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While changing a save, where would I edit the amount of time I was gone?

You're looking for "current_time" which is a Unix timestamp. Use the search function of your text editor. It's probably hard to find.

I'm just using notepad

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Some thing seems to not be working...

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"polyester scale"

where must i obtain this fabled material?

How do I import one of my saves?

For the web version, drag and drop the file into the game window. For Windows and Linux, you can copy the file directly into the game's save directory.
Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\RNG Quest/saves
Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/RNG Quest/saves


Thanks for adding a summon that I could use right from the start.

I know this might be a lot to ask, but I feel like this game would kick ass as a mobile game. I don't have access to a PC all the time, so personally I'd love to see this ported. Gonna try playing this with JoiPlay in the meantime tho. This looks sick as hell, really excited.

I have started to make a new GUI. I guess it won't be possible to have one GUI for desktop and mobile at the same time, but I'll try to implement it in a way that makes it at least easier to add another GUI for mobiles later.

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very nice game, please keep updating it with new random stuff cuz im loving it so far :3 very much an upgrade from progress quest and has made me actually wanna take peeks at it from time to time, i honestly would love a permanent log system that details actions like what you crafted, maybe a daily .txt file gets dumped into a folder you select detailing everything you did, but this may be my archivist brain speaking -w-'
edit: also sometimes spell info panels will go beyond my screen and i cant see them properly, i think this might occur with other popup panels like that, so itd be good to have something that makes them go sideways aswell or make them a fixed size with a scrollbar embedded into them
edit2: also maybe some of those popups should only appear when you click the thing so you can move your mouse around without much trouble? :3 btw you should make a discord server for suggestions!!

I am currently improving the algorithms I use to generate texts. I want to reduce the amount of battle logs and add more interesting descriptions. Maybe the same methods can be used to generate something like summaries or diaries. I'm just playing around with complicated algorithms right now.

I'm currently playing on Chrome and when  I come back my save file looks broken. The informations of my character on the save file have disappeared and it doesn't load anymore.

That is strange. Can you send me the save file (using the export button)?

it keeps undoing the options I chose!! I gave you dirty fighting!! dont turn off melee weapons!!

I guess this is because I haven't marked dirty fighting as melee. It can be applied to ranged or throwing attacks as well. I should disable the automatic update once the user has changed them once.

Is there a way to save it? I closed the page and it sent me back to lvl 2 and reset my schedule

I have problems to detect the user closing the page. I'll try to improve it.


Having the description text in that empty box might be a good idea (unless its for a function that I have not unlocked yet)
(1 edit)

Cooking and...drinking...mayonnaise. Truly a 10/10 game.


How do I lvl up my necromancy skill?


It is leveled up by using skills that contain necromancy skill modules. These are mostly necromancy summoning skills.

If the necromancy ability is not improving it is probably because your character does not know any necromancy skills yet.


Do I get the skills by lvling up?



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How does the custom race work? Specifically how do I select it. Side note, how does the Skill modifiers do? Is there any reason why I would not have them all selected?


To use a custom race you need to enter a name for the race in the text field. I think I made the selection a bit confusing. Should be improved.

You can select which skill modifiers should be used for new skills. This is only relevant for learning new skills. If you have too many buffs and you don't want to learn more buffs but more damaging magic spells you deselect all buff modules.

Do you think youre going to make a mac version too?

I relly enjoyed this but i dont want to play it in the browser all the time.

This is too complicated for me. You need to sign and notarize the app, an Apple developer ID is needed etc.
It sounds like too much effort.

I've had the game running for about 4 hours and all it is doing is training and nothing else. Even though I have other modes set, I am not sure why it only does 1 set mode.


It's because I disabled sleep on the first day on character creation and the first task is training. Normally, the character would sleep. Apparently, it is a problem that I link the in-game time to the local time of the PC.

I could remove sleep or add the ability to move the sleeping time. Actually, I would like to keep the sleep feature. Sleep is underrepresented in games.

Can we make it so we can change the sleep time, I don't mind the sleeping however, the time I am normally awake are times it is set to sleep.

Is it only me who thinks it’s difficult to read the dark blue text on grey background?

Otherwise I LOVE the idea of this game, a true Idle game. I’ve never seen something like this before.

Love it

(1 edit)

There is this bug:

I guess this is an easy fix to do.

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We could have a pop-up with the progress (like xxxx of xxxxx | xx%)

Could you give a better description/what kind of benefits each of the possible actions do?
Like resting... what do we get with that? Is there any penalty if we don't do it? And training? And Grinding?
You could add a pop-up/information on top of each option there with a small description.
A wiki page should be useful too...

More tooltips sounds like a good idea.

Hi, apparently it no longer works on firefox, i've tested on multiple computer and I dont want to clean cookies in case it wipe the save :


The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:

Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)

I can't reproduce this on Firefox. The features are enabled on the page. I'm not sure how to enable or disable the feature in Firefox.

Hi, I have 2 questions : is there a way to get save files somewhere to check progression on another computer, and I have a "bug" where the option tab doesn't save and I broke my summoner because the summoning types and methods keep beeing reseted to false and I can't attack.

The location of the save files depend on the OS. If you use the browser version I think you can't just grab the save file.
I guess it should be

Windows: %APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata\RNG Quest
Linux: ~/.local/share/godot/app_userdata/RNG Quest

Disabling skill modules in the option tab only prevents the creation of new skills, not the usage of existing skills.

thx for the info about disabling skill creation, do you think it can be possible to create an import/export character ? even if it permit running the same char in multiple instance ?

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Wait. Nevermind. its questing.

It's in real time.

Awesome game! Is there any way that a stat screen for the percentage modifiers, from items and level ups could be added?

Really great game! The addition of adding your own custom race was a nice touch. Although it does nothing, it is still cool to have a kitsune as a character. Overall amazing game!


Also great game btw!

(1 edit) (+1)

I've got a question. So last time I checked, my character was level 2. Then I leave, and close the tab. Now I come back a while later, (1 - 4 days), and my character is level 1. Why does this happen?

I think the auto save feature is not working as intended. I now let the game do auto saves more frequent.

(2 edits)

Okay. Would it be possible for you to add an option where you can manually save, or is that overboard?


The game is saved automatically when you go to the main menu (by pressing ESC).

Okay, thanks a lot.

does it always start back from day 1 or we have to look through the entire simulation again from the start every time?

The text output starts from the last day. The stuff before that is not displayed.

There is also a summary with important events that goes back a certain length.

Is there anything I can do to stop looping in the shop or will my character continue to browse and find nothing until their next option? No hate, just genuinely curious :D 


Your character will continue with crafting or grinding after finding nothing interesting often enough.

Ah, alright thanks for the answer :) I hope they're having fun at least LOL 

All worship the Random Number God of Murder!

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I found some kind of bug
It was the second day my character was alive and that i was checking it.
It didn't explain much, as it just got stuck at 8% while simulating the past day.
I waited like half an hour and when i checked, it was still at 8%.
I then decided to restart the game to see if it would help, but it did quite the opposite and it now gets stuck at 0%.
I tried creating another character to see if it'd update it, but the character besides working fine, didn't fix the old one.
I waited one more day to see if the added time would help with the loading problem, but it still is at 0%. I know that the error isn't with the time, because it can still get the - im guessing unix time - to tell me how many days are left below the loading bar (day 1/3).
I can still go through the side menus, and when i tried changing a routine hour option thing, it did take out the loading bar, but it doesnt actually load anything and stays frozen in time. Besides the current action being displayed as the new selected option ( it said "Sleeping" before, and it changed to "Grinding" when i changed the 22:00 routine to "Grinding").
Now when i try to load the character, it is still frozen but without the loading bar in front.
Im not sure why this happened, because when i loaded the new character i made with 1 day offline, it loaded perfectly well.

Edit: The new character also got stuck now at 92%

Not sure what causes this bug. I can't reproduce it either but I'll try something.

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I don't know what you did, but now I can load my previously bugged characters.

Also i like the new options and that the old ones have descriptions now.

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Like a fourth event in my game btw :)

can't wait to beat up starving animals with my laser panties

(2 edits) (+1)

This game is so good.
Imagine adding AI and Multiplayer to it; First choosing the character's personality, and then seeing the different characters of different people interacting with eachother. Something like that AI Standford game.

Edit: Bro Xenoran shut the hell up, or at least have some more braincells when criticising.
Edit: Lol what a nerd, he got banned

Deleted 1 year ago

I thought about adding raids where random NPCs or some of your other characters would join in. Having a real multiplayer mode would be interesting.

Not sure how feasible adding AI is.

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Why are 90% of these comments one guy who is complaining about speed when in the description it says "check out every few days or weeks what your character did during that time"

It's tamagachi stuff my guy...

*Edit - They deleted their posts, I don't hold any hate for the OP and hope they enjoy the rest of their days~*

Deleted 1 year ago

This bug should be fixed by now.

Deleted 1 year ago

1 speed actually grants a 10% bonus to action speed (there is a tooltip with this info). The bonus is only applied to combat actions.

Deleted 1 year ago

The in-game time is linked to the system time. That could possibly cause this issue.

Disabling sleeping for the first day after character creation is also an option.


am I missing something or do you just do nothing in this game?


This is true. There is nothing you can do except creating new characters.

You can control your character's schedule

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